About the Blog:

Guelph Politico is locally sourced and dedicated to covering the political and cultural scene in the City of Guelph. Est. 2008.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

OPEN SOURCES GUELPH BEAT #7 - City Councillor James Gordon (Ward 2)

Many city councillors manage two careers, but usually one of those careers takes them out of the spotlight. This is not the case with Ward 2 City Councillor James Gordon, who is a city councillor by day, and a singer/songwriter by night. Or maybe that's reversed. Or maybe they sometimes both take place at night. In any event, Gordon spends both career in the spotlight, and he recently took the hot seat on an episode of Open Sources Guelph a few weeks ago.

When Gordon appeared on the show back at the beginning of July there was an odd confluence of events as council headed into its last few weeks before summer break. There was the recent move to put on extra buses to deal with complaints about transit, there was the debate about a living wage at committee, and Gordon's personal push to make sure Guelph's original inhabitants are recognized at the beginning of every council meeting.
Along with the specific issues mentioned about, we also asked Gordon about making the transfer from activist to politician; it was a job he was trying to get for a while after all, with two previous runs at Queen's Park, and years forming groups like the Guelph Civic League and the Wellington Water Watchers. And obviously, we also talked about his latest musical foray, the self-titled Sunny Jim. 
So let's catch-up with Sunny Jim from the July 7 episode of Open Sources Guelph.

You can reach James Gordon at 519-822-1260 x 2504, or by email at james.gordon@guelph.ca. You can follow his blog, his Facebook page, or his Twitter feed. You can also buy his new album, Sunny Jimhere.
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Of course, you can listen to every edition of Open Sources Guelph, live, Thursdays at 5 pm.

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