About the Blog:

Guelph Politico is locally sourced and dedicated to covering the political and cultural scene in the City of Guelph. Est. 2008.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Mayoral Debate and Candidate Meet-and-Greet at U of G

The next big event on the Municipal Campaign trail is taking place next week on the University of Guelph campus. The Community Engagement and Global Citizenship wing of Student Life is hosting a mayoral debate and candidate meet and greet for those running in Wards 5 and 6 in the University Centre courtyard on Tuesday during the noon hour. This will be the first time the mayoral candidates will clash in the direct appeal for votes, and it will be a chance for those running in Ward 5 and 6 to get together prior to their separate October 3 Chamber of Commerce debates at City Hall.
Courtesy of the organizers (via Ward 6 candidate Keith Poore), here's the schedule for the event:
Schedule for Sept 30th Mayoral Candidate Debate and Candidate Meet and Greet

11:40 - 11:50 - Candidates arrive, check in with staff and give staff any campaign materials. Two tables will be provided for candidates to display campaign flyers or brochures.

12-12:10 - Mayoral candidate debate begins with an opening from the moderator. All candidates are given a max of 2 minutes to share their platform. Please note the audience will be predominantly students, staff and faculty of the university.

12:10 - 12:30 - Candidates are given a chance to respond to two questions pre-determined as priority to students. Max time for responses will be 2 minutes.

12:30 - 1:20 - Candidates are given a chance to respond to questions from the floor, screened through the moderator. Max time for responses will be 2 minutes.

1:20-1:30 - Transition time for meet and greet. Ward 5 and 6 Candidates are asked to check in with staff and provide campaign brochures or flyers for designated tables. All candidates and audience members are invited to move to the tables behind the audience for food and time to discuss questions further.

1:30-2:30 - Mayoral and Ward 5 and 6 Candidate meet and greet. Informal, with appetizers. Meant as a time for students, faculty, staff to ask questions of candidates.

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