Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ironic Twist: Begging Bear Lives Up to Name

Out of commission since some scofflaws knocked him off his perch this past March, it was previously announced that the Begging Bear, a sculpture that stands on guard in front of the MacDonald Stewart Art Centre, would be back in October (or Octobear as observed wryly by the Mercury). Just one problem, and it's kind of ironic given the name of the sculpture and everything, a $6,800 difference on the repair bill not covered by insurance. 
The total cost of the repair will cash out to about $11,300 and insurance will only cover $4,500. A fundraising effort is now underway to collect the nearly $7,000 needed to complete repairs and restore the bear to its footing along Gordon Street. Why so much? Long, stainless steel pins that will attach the Begging Bear to a deeper concrete base, and thus, hopefully, preventing future drunken pranks.
"Share Your Care for Our Bear" donations can be made by cash, cheque or credit card at Mac-Stew, or you can mail in a donation, or make one by phone at 519-837-001. The police investigation is still ongoing, but if the perpetrators are caught, I think the logical thing would be to squeeze the cash out of them. 

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even know that Guelph insurance would cover something like this at all. I mean, thinking about, it makes sense. The city owns property, and it's not unusual for property to be covered by insurance. But usually I think of that in terms of land and buildings, not necessarily as statues. That's too bad, though, that it didn't cover it all.
