Wednesday, July 27, 2011

James Gordon Wants to Come to Your House

The Provincial Election may still be a little over a month away from its official kick-off, but NDP candidate James Gordon wants to spend it talking to you, about the issues, in a comfortable setting: your house. I'll let the below video explain in detail, and following that is a the text from a post on Gordon's website about the subject.

I want to be your MPP for Guelph, and I understand the responsibility of carrying your voices to Queen’s Park. That’s why I want to hear from you.
In the month of August, I’ll be hosting sessions in homes across our city, talking with you about the things that matter most.
We’ll be talking about the issues that affect your neighbourhood.
We’ll be talking about greening our province in a way that Ontarians, and our earth, can afford.
We’ll share our vision for a more transparent and accountable health care system in Ontario.
We’ll collaborate about arts and culture, and all the things that make our community vibrant.
We'll look at how we can bring good jobs to Guelph - jobs that will help us build our bright future.
And we’ll plan ways to ensure everyone has access to a retirement with dignity and security.
We’ll be talking about what it really means to be a part of a strong and sustainable community.
We’ll share what we believe are our common values,  and brainstorm about how to make sure that those shared values can guide us in the choices we face.
We want to work together to make sure that we bring the true meaning of sustainability and accountability to Queen’s Park. I know the people of Guelph are up to the task. I know that the people who care deeply about our city are the ones who can change the way things are, who can make our city a better place to work and live and learn.  One of the things I love about this city is our spirit of creativity and innovation. Let’s use that spirit to design an exciting future for ourselves!
The NDP is the party that’s listening to what Ontarians need. And we need your voices and your insights to build this province.
This campaign is about the change we can make together. So, this summer, let’s talk.
I’ll be listening.

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