Friday, May 31, 2013

And That's a Month of Scandal

Oh what a hectic month for political scandals. Seriously, one of things you notice doing a weekly radio show on politics is that there's really not enough time to cover it all, and it just keeps getting worse too. Happening at all levels of government, let's rundown what I like to call the Month of Scandal.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Partisan Posts Linked Back to Fantino

The pitcher of political scandal on the federal scene has been rather full lately thanks to the ongoing senate expense controversy and the almost daily developments on that front ("minister without a portfolio," really Mike Duffy?) so one could understand how other scandals might end up under the rug, but here we go anyway.
You'll recall earlier this year a story that accused International Development Minister Julian Fantino in having a pair of partisan op-eds posted on the website for the Canadian International Development Agency. Fantino claimed to know nothing about two letters with the headings, “Liberals make promises, Conservatives get results”, which originally appeared in the National Post, and “Dear NDP: CIDA does not need your economic advice,” but there have since been developments that say that he did know all along.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What's in a Poll?

One of the big surprises in this month's B.C. provincial election was just how far off the opinion polls were from the actual polls on Election Day. Combined with the surprising results of last year's provincial election in Alberta, some have gone so far as wondering if polls are even capable of accurately measuring where the electorate is - in the west anyway - in deciding who they want to run their provincial governments. But the pollsters themselves are saying, "don't worry, we've still got game."

Monday, May 27, 2013

Welcome Back, Fordsie

After a week marred in scandal and surprisingly stark silence, the Ford Brothers were back in fine form yesterday turning their Newstalk 1010 radio show. After the opening rake out, the labeling of the media as "maggots," and a recital of eating establishments they either have visited or plan to visit, the brothers put on a good front of business as usual attitude. Of course, it's easy to not answer questions when you're the one controlling the switchboard, but back at City Hall today it seemed that one press conference and an hour of community radio-style free-for-all hasn't quelled the media's lust for the story that drove the brothers underground last week.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Press Release - City Wants to Know Why We Don't Vote

Barely over one-third of eligible voters came out to cast a ballot in the 2010 municipal election, which is surprising given how loud some of the pettiness concerning local politics gets online. Well, with about a year a half to go before the next election, the city seems to want to figure that out, and it's going to the source to figure it out. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Press Release - Get Your Tickets for the Job Fair

Attention Guelphites: if you're out or work, or just looking for a new gig, then it's time to dust off those resumes because there's a new company in town looking for a couple of hundred good men and women. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Press Release - Water Services Opens Its Doors This Weekend

Got any weekend plans? How about checking out your local Water Services, who are hosting their annual open house at the F. M. Woods Pumping Station on Saturday. Read the full details in a press release from the city after the jump.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Slow News Day

This is the problem with a long weekend, it feels like you have twice as much work to deal with once you get back to the office after the weekend's over. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

On Victoria Day...

I have long railed about the bastardization of Victoria Day by those who call it "May 2-4," if only to avoid pratfalls like the one that had befallen by boss a few weeks ago when he was trying to book time off at a resort up north for the May 24th weekend. And while that is a weekend off, you have to be an American citizen or resident to enjoy it, because this current weekend, in Canada, is the holiday weekend. 
Apparently there's a petition going around to change the name of Victoria Day, and while I'm thankful it's not for it to officially be changed to "May 2-4," I still have my doubts. A group, including such notable names as Margaret Atwood, Elizabeth May and Gordon Pinsent, want to rename the holiday “Victoria and First Peoples Day.”

Saturday, May 18, 2013

And There's Still a Senate, Why...?

There's been no shortage of scandal involving the Harper government, from robocalls to high-priced fighter jets to back-bench revolts and that $3 billion to combat terrorism that got lost in the cushions. I wonder though, when we look back at the prime ministership of Stephen Harper will it be the actions of the senators he appointed that will reflect the most badly on him?

Friday, May 17, 2013

New Ford Controversy - Only 528 Days to Go

 Let's get to the thing we all want to talk about: Rob Ford smoked crack! Well, allegedly.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

In B.C., Clark Wins and Pollsters Lose

 It's proof that in politics that it's not over till the fat lady sings as Christy Clark and the B.C. Liberals have not just survived the provincial election, but thrived, as voters return them to the Legislature, with a majority, plus five more seats than they had when the election began four weeks ago. And this morning, even the most astute politicos from coast to coast to coast, myself included, are forced to eat crow for calling this race over a touch too early.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Solidarity in Walking

While flipping through the digital pages of the Guelph Mercury's Editors' blog this morning, I came across something I thought was worthy of re-publishing here. It's a letter/opinion piece from a concerned citizen that caught my eye because it reflects a lot of the problems I've encountered on local roads and streets lately.
Mike O'Dwyer says a lot of the things that have been shuffling around in my head for a while, but he says it with a great deal of eloquence, or at least more eloquence then I have when I'm nearly run over crossing the street, obey the traffic signals, just trying to get from one place to another like everyone else.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Election Week in Canada

It's a big week for Canadians who love the thrill of victory, the scorching sting of defeat, or maybe just enjoy the competition and challenge of the game in all its facets, and no, I'm not talking about the NHL playoffs. 
There are two big elections this week, literally from coast to coast. On Monday, Peter Penashue gets to find out if he's going to keep his job as MP of Labrador, while on Tuesday British Columbia voters go to the polls to decide if they want a new provincial government, or keep the one they have in Christy Clark's Liberals. Both are locally focused, but the results will likely have broader implications nationwide. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Guelph Politicast Season 2 Starts With Guelph Pride

For the first episode of what I'm calling the second season of Guelph Politicast, it seemed right to make it an occasion, and I found one.
Next week, the tenth annual Guelph Pride festivities begin, with a week-long celebration of all things, well, queer. Guelph's inclusive atmosphere and progressive politics have made the Royal City a homely place for those who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or any other term that covers the broad new definitions of gender and sexual identity, and that tradition continues as Guelph Pride enters its 10th year in 2013.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Guelph Politico 3.0

This is the end. No wait, that's wrong. This is actually a new beginning.